Faculty Research Program
NMIMS University International Department, School of Business Management as part of EU ERASMUS,HARMONY project organized a Faculty Research Program in collaboration with University at Albany. This program was executed in three parts. The first part was the research panel presentations by the faculties of University at Albany organized on January 25, 2023 over a zoom meeting. Prof. Dennis Caplan, Prof. Bill Wales and Prof. Rita Biswas who are the editors of leading management journals gave the guidelines and do’s and don’ts of research paper writing. Along with them, Prof. Eliot Rich, Prof Hillary Wiener and Prof. Lee Spitzley presented their currently work in progress and highlighted the emerging themes of research in their respective field of studies. Thirty-Four participants have attended the presentation.
The second part was the presentation on ESG: An Emerging Scholarly Grand Challenge by Prof. Emeritus Paul Miesing from University at Albany organised on January 27, 2023 over a zoom meeting. He presented the ESG framework, best practices and research opportunity in the field of ESG. Twenty Five participants have attended the presentation.
The third part was the academic writing workshop organised in-person on January 25, 2023 primarily for the PhD scholars and faculty members who are pursuing the PhD. Prof. Rita Biswas provided the guidance on preparation of research proposal, performing the literature review, preparing the manuscript of leading journals and finally shared some tips on writing dissertation. Twenty-Four PhD scholars participated in the workshop.
NMIMS 1000+ Faculty across 18+ schools and 8 Campuses
NMIMS, EU ERASMUS – HARMONY in collaboration with University at Albany -SUNY
bring to you a three part Faculty Development Program
- Part 1 & Part 3 are Online Sessions
- Part 2 is an in person workshop for Doctoral Scholars , Mumbai Campus
Part 1
Wednesday, 25th January , 7.30 – 9.00 PM IST
State of the Art Research
Accounting, Information Systems, Consumer Behaviour, Digital Forensics & Analytics & Finance
Session Details
7.30 – 7.35 pm Introduction by Rita Biswas
7.35 – 8.00 pm Prof Dennis Caplan (Accounting Area and Editor)
8.00 – 8.15 pm Prof Eliot Rich (Systems Dynamics and Information Systems)
8.15 – 8.30 pm Prof Hillary Wiener (Consumer Behavior and Social Connections)
8.30 – 8.34 pm Prof. ill Wales (Entrepreneurship and Editor)
8.45 – 9.00 pm Prof. Lee Spitzley (Digital Forensics and Data Analytics)
9.00 pm - Prof Rita Biswas (Macro-Finance and Editor) and Wrap-Up
Faculty Brief Profiles
Prof. Dennis Caplan
Dennis Caplan is Associate Professor of Accounting at the University at Albany, State University of New York. Professor Caplan holds a Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley. He is a CPA and a CMA.
Professor Caplan’s current research examines corporate fraud, audit quality, and the regulation and self-regulation of the auditing profession, using a variety of methodologies including empirical and descriptive methods, and case studies that are published as teaching cases. He has also published several articles and teaching cases on financial and management accounting topics. His early research used game theory to model audit quality.
Professor Caplan has published in a variety of journals including Journal of Accounting Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Advances in Accounting, Issues in Accounting Education, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, and Research in Accounting Regulation. He serves as an Associate Editor for Issues in Accounting Education and is on the editorial board of the Journal of Accounting Education. Professor Caplan also maintains an open access introductory cost accounting textbook at IntroToCost.info.
Prof Eliot Rich
- Modeling and simulation of socio-technical systems
- Design and implementation of information systems
Eliot is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics at the University at Albany. He also holds appointments as Affiliated Faculty in the College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, and Cybersecurity and Courtesy Faculty in the Department of Public Administration and Policy, Rockefeller College.
His current research focuses on the use of computer simulation to understand complex strategic and operational problems. He is also developing curricula for courses in analytics as applied to business problems.
Prior to receiving his PhD, he worked as a business analyst and consultant for an international consulting firm and as a software developer and program manager
Prof Hillary Wiener
Marketing; marketing research; marketing strategy; consumer behavior; consumer psychology; marketing and social relationships; friendship formation; conversation; gift-giving; social support; emoji.
Hillary Wiener is an assistant professor of marketing within the School of Business. Her research focuses on how people can use products to connect with others. In one stream of research, she examines the consequences of asking people about the products (i.e. clothing or decorative objects in the home or office) that they publically display and showing how people frequently use these products to make new friends. In another stream of research, she examines when and why people give gifts in response to negative events in others’ lives and the relationship between gift-giving and social support.
Wiener teaches marketing strategy using the case-based method and marketing research using a combination of traditional classroom methods and experiential learning. In marketing research, all students complete a marketing research consulting project, collecting survey data from the customers and clients of a local business or non-profit to answer one of the organization's authentic business questions.
Wiener received her Ph.D. in marketing from Duke University.
Prof William Wales
Management Department Chair Standish Professor of Entrepreneurship, School of Business
Academic Subfields
Entrepreneurship; Strategic Management
Research Interests
Entrepreneurial Orientation; Corporate Entrepreneurship & Renewal;
Strategic Behavior & Strategy Formulation; CEO Attributes and
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=PB0s9jcAAAAJ&hl=en
Prof. Lee Spitzley
Assistant Professor of Information Security & Digital Forensics at University at Albany School of Business
Research areas include corporate fraud detection, natural language processing, machine learning, and behavioral analytics. Research integrates text mining methods with behavioral theory to measure the information contained in text documents.
He completed his PhD in Management Information Systems at the University of Arizona.
Prof Rita Biswas
International corporate finance; international financial markets; macro-finance; cross-border valuation; mergers and acquisitions; emerging markets.
Rita Biswas is an associate professor of finance within the School of Business. Biswas’ research interests primarily involve international financial markets and banking. Her work has been published in journals such as The Financial Review, Journal of Financial Services Research, Review of Futures Markets, Global Finance Journal and the Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions and International Journal of Media Management.
Biswas' teaching interests are in financial management, M&As and international corporate finance. She has won several undergraduate and graduate teaching awards, including the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (University at Albany, 2012-13) as well as the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (SUNY system-wide, 2013-14).
She is a frequent teacher in executive MBA programs worldwide, including at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management in Bankakademie, Germany and at Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Professor Biswas received her master’s in international economics from University of Rochester, NY in 1985 and her Ph.D. in international finance and banking from Texas A&M University, TX in 1990.
Part 2
Academic Writing Workshop
Wednesday, 25th January, 2 – 5 pm
Venue : Class room # 903 – NMIMS University
For Doctoral Scholars
Focused on Preparation of proposal of research, Literature Review , Preparing manuscript for leading journals , Guidelines on dissertations
Prof Rita Biswas
International corporate finance; international financial markets; macro-finance; cross-border valuation; mergers and acquisitions; emerging markets.
Rita Biswas is an associate professor of finance within the School of Business. Biswas’ research interests primarily involve international financial markets and banking. Her work has been published in journals such as The Financial Review, Journal of Financial Services Research, Review of Futures Markets, Global Finance Journal and the Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions and International Journal of Media Management.
Biswas' teaching interests are in financial management, M&As and international corporate finance. She has won several undergraduate and graduate teaching awards, including the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (University at Albany, 2012-13) as well as the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (SUNY system-wide, 2013-14).
She is a frequent teacher in executive MBA programs worldwide, including at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management in Bankakademie, Germany and at Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Professor Biswas received her master’s in international economics from University of Rochester, NY in 1985 and her Ph.D. in international finance and banking from Texas A&M University, TX in 1990.
Part 3
Friday 27th January, 8.30 – 9.30 am IST
Title: An Emerging Scholarly Grand Challenge
Prof. Emeritus Paul Miesing – University at Albany - SUNY
Founding Director of UAlbany’s Center for the Advancement & Understanding of Social Enterprises which most recently created the local “High Peaks Impact Awards” in 2021 to recognize businesses that integrate environment, social, and governance factors into their strategy and operations. He has published dozens of articles and papers in both academic and practitioner journals (including in the Financial Times “top 45” journals) and has received a Distinguished Research Award. More about him attached.
About the Session
- What’s a “Grand Challenge”?
What are Corporate Responsibilities? • What’s ESG?
- What’s the Competitive Advantage?
- Financial Results (Superior Earnings and Share Price)
- Operations (Best Practices, Opportunities, and Efficiencies)
- Strategy (Integrating ESG into the Business Model1.
- Research Opportunities:
Criticisms About Metrics/ESG
Sustaining the ESG Momentum
- Summary, Take-Aways, Questions