Dr. Juan Antonio Vallés Brau
Full Professor in Optics
Vicedean of Internationalization and Mobility Programs at the Faculty of Sciences.
University of Zaragoza
Dr. Juan Antonio Vallés Brau, PhD in Physics (U. of Zaragoza); Postgraduate Diploma in Ocular and Visual Care in Developing Countries (U. of Valencia).
Teaching activity: Full Professor in Optics in U. of Zaragoza. More than 30-year experience in undergraduate and postgraduate stages. Advisor of 20 project works, 1 master project work and 3 doctoral thesis. Participation in 15 projects of educational innovation (10 as coordinator).
Research activity: participation in 19 research projects (5 as coordinator). Author of more than 70 scientific papers and book chapters. Secretary of the Committee of Optoelectronics of the Spanish Society of Optics. Evaluation of research projects for the Argentina NAST and for the NSC (Poland). Reviewer for more than 20 international scientific journals.
Mobility management and assessment: Vicedean of Internationalization and Mobility Programs at the Faculty of Sciences. Expert evaluator of Erasmus+ KA107 and KA2 proposals and final reports for the Spanish Service for Education Internationalization (SEPIE). Coordination of 15 Erasmus+ agreements, 3 stays of Academic Mobility. Member of the staff Committee of the Eramus + KA2 Capacity Building in the field of HE 617223-EPP-1-2020-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Quality management and assessment: expert in the process of re-accreditation of 22 higher education official titles in the Community of Madrid. Coordinator of the Degree in Optics and Optometry. President of the Evaluation Commission of the quality and of the Commission on Quality Assurance of the Degree in Optics and Optometry.
Experience in development cooperation: coordinator of 6 publicly-funded development cooperation projects in China, Chad and the Saharawi refugee camps in Algeria.